500% Magic Find Full Build Sorceress Bundle

Select Ladder: Softcore Ladder
Sale price$599.99


Harlequin Crest (Socketed with Perfect Topaz)
The Oculus
Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Tal Rasha's Guardianship
Tal Rasha's Fine Spun Cloth
2 x Nagelring 30% Magic Find
35% Faster Cast Rate Spirit Monarch
Trang Oul's Claws
Ethereal Sandstorm Trek's (Much needed Poison Resist


Call To arms Unmade
Spirit Monarch Unmade

1 x 15+/15+  Sorceress Torch 
1 x 10% Experience Gained Annihilus
16 x 7% Magic Find Small Charms
1 x-71-79 Sunder Charm ( Tell us at check out which Elemental you need)
Gheed 40% MF


Ethereal Cure Bone Visage
Ethereal Unmade Insight Thresher
Ethereal Unmade Chains of Honor

A fantastic Bundle which lands you at 500% Magic find and 105% Faster Cast Break point with Merc!

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