Immortal King's Forge

Select Ladder: Softcore Ladder
Sale price$2.39


Defense: 108-118 (varies)(Base Defense: 43-53)
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 110
Durability: 24
+65 Defense
12% Chance To Cast Level 4 Charged Bolt When Struck
+20 To Dexterity
+20 To Strength

+25% Increased Attack Speed (2 items)
+120 Defense (3 Items)
10% Life Stolen Per Hit (4 Items)
10% Mana Stolen Per Hit (5 Items)
Freezes Target +2 (Complete Set)

Please note that all Items will be delivered with a random color or skin. We cannot make promises as to what skin(s) or color(s) you will receive.

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