Ladder Dream Paladin - Tesladin

Sale price$149.99


Unmade Dream Bone Visage
Unmade Dream 45@ Sacred Targe
375+/34 IAS + Grief Phase Blade
Highlord's Wrath
Enigma Dusk Shroud
20 Dexterity Raven Frost
10% FCR Dual Leech Ring (Stats Vary)
Arachnid Mesh
War Traveller 43-47% MF
Laying of Hands


Unmade Call to arms  Battle Orders
Unmade Paladin Spirit shield

Inventory and Mercenary Recommendations

Dream Paladin Inventory
Faith Mercenary Bundle

We've Chosen the items above to give you a solid start when entering into the world of Tesladin's

Remember  with this build you do not Skill your holy shock!

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