Full Build Javazon Bundle

Sale price$699.99


This is what you get

Griffon's Eye - Unidentified
Enigma - Dusk Shroud
Highlords Amulet
2 Javelin 20 Increased Attack speed 3 Mana after each kill - Crafted Gloves 
1 x Stone of Jordan 
1 x 20 Dexterity 200+ Attack Rating Raven Frost ( Cannot be frozen)
1 x Razor Tail
1 x 180+% Eth Titans - 5-9% Life Leech
1 x Phoenix Monarch 
1 x 45-47 War Travelers

On Swap

Unmade Spirit Monarch
Call to Arms Unmade


1 x 10-15/10-15 Amazon Torch
1 x 10-15/10-15/10% XP Annihilus
1 x Lightning Sunder ( Crack of Heavens)
6 x Javelin and Spear Skill Grand Charm
6 x 3 Run Walk 11% Lightning Resist Small Charm


1 x Infinity Ethereal Thresher
1 x Fortitude Ethereal archon Plate
1 x Cure Bone Visage

You can purchase a Variety of jewels to go inside your Griffons

Lightning Facets - 5/5
15% Increased Attack Speed All Resist Jewel
15% Increased Attack Speed 3 Mana After Each Kill
Cham - if you want to get rid of the Raven frost

Visit our Rare and Craft Store to make this build even more powerful by adding a Mana Stolen per hit rare ring in place of the Stone of Jordan or by purchasing a 2 Javelin 20% Increased Attack Speed 3 Mana After Each Kill Glove from our crafted section

Struggling for Resists? you can even replace the War Travellers for some Rare, Faster Run walk double or Tri Resist Rare or Crafted Boots.

Mana after each kill and Mana Stolen will keep you slaying much longer and faster, I've chosen the items above, for you to be as Plug and Play as Possible!

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